Location and site
- S.1. The library is strategically located and accessible to students ,faculty and other clientele .view PDF file
- S.2. The library is systematically planned to allow future expansion. view PDF file
Space Requirement
- S.3. The size of the library meets standard requirements considering the present enrollment and future expansion. view PDF file
- S.4. The reading room can accommodate at least 10% of the school enrollment at any given time. view PDF file
- S.5. Space is provided for print resources as well as work stations for electronic resources. view PDF file
- S.6. Space is provided for the librarian’s office, staff room, technical room, etc. view PDF file
- S.7. Ramps for the physically disabled as provided. view PDF file
Furniture and Equipment
- S.8. The library meets the required and standard-sized furniture and equipment. view PDF file
- S.9. The following library furniture and equipment are available:
- S.9.1. adjustable/movable shelves; view PDF file
- S.9.2. magazine display shelves; view PDF file
- S.9.3. newspaper racks; view PDF file
- S.9.4. standard tables and chairs; view PDF file
- S.9.5. carrels for individual study; view PDF file
- S.9.6. desks and chairs for staff; view PDF file
- S.9.7. charging desk; view PDF file
- S.9.8. dictionary stand; view PDF file
- S.9.9. atlas stand; view PDF file
- S.9.10. bulletin boards and display cabinets; view PDF file
- S.9.11. vertical file cabinets; view PDF file
- S.9.12. book racks; view PDF file
- S.9.13. map stands/cabinets; view PDF file
- S.9.14. cardex/rotadex or any filing equipment for periodical records; view PDF file
- S.9.15. typerwriters; view PDF file
- S.9.16. computers with printers; and view PDF file
- S.9.17. other (please specify)________________. view PDF file
Physical Provisions for Reading
- S.10. The library is well lighted. view PDF file
- S.11. The library is well-ventilated. view PDF file
- S.12. The atmosphere is conducive to learning. view PDF file
- S.13. Fire extinguishers and a local fire alarm system are available. view PDF file
- S.14. The library employs a system for security and control of library resources. view PDF file
- I.1. IT Software and multi-media equipment are utilized.
- O.1. The environment in the library is conducive to learning.
- O.2. The library facilities are well-maintained and aesthetically designed.